You will make many decisions before, during and after becoming a parent that will affect your child. Deciding how you are going to feed your baby is a very important one. Breastfeeding your baby is one of the things you can do to give him or her their best start in life. Learn more about:
- Why Breastfeed?
- Breastfeeding in the Early Weeks
- Breastfeeding in Public
- Breastfeeding Tips
- Alcohol, Cannabis, Tobacco, and NRT while Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding Resources in Ottawa
- Healthy Eating While Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding
- Emergency Preparedness
Do you have more questions about parenting?
- Connect with a registered nurse from Health811 for free, secure, and confidential health advice. Service is available 24/7 in English and French, with translation support also offered in other languages. Call 8-1-1 or visit
- Connect with a Community Navigator from 2-1-1 for information about community programs and resources across Eastern Ontario. Helpline service is available 24/7 and in many different languages. Call 2-1-1 or visit
- Connect with other parents on the Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page.
- There are a variety of services to make it easier for your child to grow up healthy in Ottawa.
- You can update your child's immunization record using either the Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) Tool or the CANImmunize App.
- If you have received a message from Ottawa Public Health such as a letter or a call regarding immunization, an infectious disease, or infection control lapse, please call 613-580-6744 and listen to the menu options carefully.
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