Ideas to take care of your perinatal mental health |
While eating healthy, being active and learning about pregnancy promote physical health, they also build your mental health and resilience. Here are some other ideas to promote your mental health in pregnancy and after birth:
Building support |
- Think about the people who you trust to give you positive emotional and practical support, such as a partner, friend, or neighbour. Talk with them as to how they can help you, such as:
- Listening and accepting how you feel.
- Providing comfort and support.
- Cooking a meal to have in your freezer.
- Caring for your baby while you take a shower, eat a meal, and catch up on your sleep.
- Explore places where you can make social connections and develop friendships, such as getting involved in your faith or cultural community, joining a prenatal yoga class, or connecting with a community service, such as the EarlyOn Child and Family Centres.
- Calling or speaking to family and friends online can bring support too, especially if you are living away from loved ones.
- Practice ways to relax:
- Switch off your screens and take time each day to breathe deeply, relax and still your mind.
- Take some time to go for a walk and enjoy nature.
- Meet a friend to talk and to have fun.
- Listen to some music you enjoy.
Learning how to cope with stress and challenges |
Stress can be a healthy and normal part of life. A certain level of stress helps you cope with the many demands of work, family, caring for others and living from day-to-day. However, stress can become overwhelming and can lead to poor mental health and increase the risk of perinatal mental illness. It is important to think about how you can reduce and cope with stress, and where to find help when you need it. Here are some examples of ways to cope with stress that you can start to practice:
Talk to your support person or group about how you are feeling and thinking. It is good to have someone who listens, encourages, and comforts you.
Challenge negative thoughts as they can affect how you see yourself, how you parent, care for and relate to your baby.
Try to keep life simple, and know it is okay to say “no” and not take on more than you can handle. You need time to recover from childbirth and take care of your baby.
Think about and try to understand the problem you are facing and plan simple steps to solve your challenge. An example is to call a friend or family member to provide extra help while you feed your baby.
Asking for help opens the door to support, treatment, and services.
If you are in crisis, please contact the Mental Health Crisis Line (24 hours a day/7 days a week) at 613-722-6914 or if outside Ottawa toll-free at 1-866-996-0991.
How can I help as a partner or support person? |
If you are a partner or support person, you can help by:
Being aware of changes in their mental health or mood.
Comforting and making them feel safe to talk to you.
Taking care of the baby while they rest.
Helping them call their health professional and find the resources they need.
If your loved one is in crisis, please contact the Mental Health Crisis Line (24 hours a day/7days a week) at 613-722-6914 or if outside Ottawa toll-free at 1-866-996-0991.
Who is more likely to experience poor mental health and mental illness during the perinatal period? |
Some individuals may experience poor mental health and mental illness in pregnancy and following childbirth. Here are some of the life challenges that may increase the risk:
Unplanned pregnancy
Stressful life event, such as the death of a loved one
Lack of social support
Past and present experience of violence and abuse
Living with poverty and/or unstable housing
However, it is important to know that not everyone who has these risks will develop poor mental health or a mental illness. A person can reduce their risks by developing good social support, being aware of any changes in their mental health or mood and talking to a health professional to find the help they need.
What are the symptoms of baby blues, perinatal depression and/or anxiety? |
New parents experience many emotional changes. It is important to care for yourself. It's also important to know about the postpartum baby blues as well as the signs and symptoms of perinatal depression and anxiety and where to get help. Below is what to watch for:
Baby Blues |
Perinatal Depression and/or Anxiety |
Postpartum Psychosis |
The baby blues are common and happen three to four days after childbirth as your body recovers and heals, and as you adjust to a new baby. When you have baby blues, you may feel:
All of these feelings are normal and do not usually need treatment other than understanding, rest and support. If they last longer than two weeks, it is important to talk to a health care provider.
While the cause of perinatal depression and or anxiety is not fully known, it can happen in pregnancy, shortly after childbirth or months later. Depression can occur in about 10-25% of birthing parents and anxiety can be more common. Partners can also experience depression. It can start during pregnancy and/or after the baby is born.
You may experience or feel:
Sad, lonely, and hopeless
Guilty or ashamed
Restless or irritable
Frustrated or angry
Anxious and/or panic attacks
Frequent crying
Trouble sleeping
Loss of appetite
Find it hard to focus or make decisions
Loss interest in activities you used to enjoy
Have scary or upsetting thoughts
Have thoughts of self-harm or suicide
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should get help as soon as possible. Call a health care provider to talk about your concerns and to access the resources you need. Symptoms can last for many months and could lead to:
Baby being born too early
Low birth weight
Not getting enough prenatal care
Perinatal depression or anxiety disorders
Difficulty building a positive relationship with your baby
Problems forming a secure attachment with your baby
Postpartum psychosis is very rare, occurring to1 in 1,000 people. Seek help immediately if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Hearing and seeing things that are not there
Feeling extremely confused
Out of touch with reality
Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
Call a health care provider or go to your local emergency department.
If you are in crisis, please contact the Mental Health Crisis Line (24 hours a day/7 days a week) at 613-722-6914 or if outside Ottawa toll-free at 1-866-996-0991. |
*NEW* Steps To Wellness, Before and After Baby CBT For Perinatal Depression 9 Week Group Session |
FREE, 9-week group-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) program for women who are expecting or have a child (birth or adoption) and who have been feeling one or more of the following: depressed, sad, anxious, worried, angry or overwhelmed. During a nine-week series, participants meet in a virtual group setting with a public health nurse and learn skills to help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by changing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The program is offered in English. Some of the eligibility criteria for this program includes:
- 18 years of age and older
- Having a baby less than 18 months or is expecting
- Having access to technology and data to participate in the virtual group
- Willing and able to participate in the virtual group platform
- Having access to a private space to ensure group members’ privacy
- Able to read and communicate in English
Groups run for 9 weeks, with a maximum of 12 participants. French groups will be available in early 2025. Registration is now closed for 2024. New sessions will be announced in November 2024. |
More Resources and Services |
You can refer yourself to these services:
The Healthy Babies, Healthy Children program provides home visiting, to expectant individuals and families with children from birth to their transition to school. This program is designed to help parents who need more support to give their children a healthy start.
Perinatal Support Groups |
Parenting Support Groups |
Accessing Counselling and Mental Health Services |
Counselling Connect provides access to a same-day or next-day phone or video counselling session. This service is for children, youth, adults and families in Ottawa and the surrounding area.
- is a new way to find mental health and addictions support, services, and care in Eastern Ontario. You will be paired with a professional who will connect you to the services you need from a network of partner organizations. For individuals aged 16 years and older.
1Call1Click provides supportive, coordinated access and navigation services in a way that integrates the exceptional, trusted and safe mental health and addiction care offered by Kids Come First Health Team organizations in the Eastern region of Ontario. For individuals who are up to 21 years of age.
Walk-in Counselling Clinic offers in person sessions, as well as video or phone (613-755-2277) counselling sessions in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Somali, Cantonese, and Mandarin at a variety of different locations.
Life with a Baby offers mental health counselling and psychotherapy services for parents in Ontario.
- offers a searchable directory of local mental health support and services.
Connex Ontario call, text, chat or email to find resources and services in your community.
Wellness Together Canada offers mental health and substance use support for people in Canada and Canadians abroad. Always free and virtual, 24/7.
Workbooks, Guides and Self-Directed Resources |