What vaccines are given and at what age?
At two months and again at four months | ||||||||||||
At six months | ||||||||||||
At 12 months | ||||||||||||
At 15 months | ||||||||||||
At 18 months | ||||||||||||
Four years |
Grade 7 |
The meningococcal, human papillomavirus and hepatitis B vaccines are normally given at school in grade 7. Ottawa Public Health is holding vaccination clinics for students who missed receiving their vaccine(s) in school due to COVID-19 disruptions. Find below, more information on the number of doses that are needed for each vaccine and who is eligible.
Between 14 and 16 years |
Seasonal Immunization & COVID Immunization |
- Vaccines are an important part of healthy growth and development. Think of them the same way you would healthy eating, physical activity, or proper sleep.
- Vaccines are a proven and safe way to prevent serious infections. Although we rarely see most of these diseases in Canada now, they still exist. If we stop vaccinating children, these diseases will return. Vaccines sometimes even prevent death.
- Vaccines help your body to help itself. Your body will make antibodies when you get a vaccine. Antibodies help your immune system to identify and destroy a virus. This will protect your child and those around them.
- Most vaccines are given by injection. Some are given orally (in the mouth). New types of vaccines, such as nasal sprays, make them less painful for some patients.
- It is important to report any vaccines your child receives to Ottawa Public Health. Ottawa Public Health keeps a record of your child's vaccinations to help protect public safety. This is important if there is ever a disease outbreak.
Looking for more information?
- Where can my child or youth get vaccinated?
- Update and view your immunization record
- Vaccine safety
- Frequently asked questions
Do you have more questions about parenting?
- Connect with a registered nurse from Health811 for free, secure, and confidential health advice. Service is available 24/7 in English and French, with translation support also offered in other languages. Call 8-1-1 or visit Health811.ontario.ca.
- Connect with a Community Navigator from 2-1-1 for information about community programs and resources across Eastern Ontario. Helpline service is available 24/7 and in many different languages. Call 2-1-1 or visit 211ontario.ca.
- Connect with other parents on the Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page.
- There are a variety of services to make it easier for your child to grow up healthy in Ottawa.
- You can update your child's immunization record using either the Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) Tool or the CANImmunize App.
- If you have received a message from Ottawa Public Health such as a letter or a call regarding immunization, an infectious disease, or infection control lapse, please call 613-580-6744 and listen to the menu options carefully.
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