Picky eating and creating a healthy relationship with food
Why are some kids picky eaters? | ||||||||||||||
Your child may love certain foods but actively avoids others. Don’t be alarmed! Selective eating is a normal part of growing up. Children will often alternate between eating a lot at one meal and eating little at the next.
Children can be selective because of:
Shared responsibilities to develop a healthy relationship with food | ||||||||||||||
As a parent, you may wonder if your child is eating enough healthy food, or maybe you have stressful mealtimes because your child refuses to eat what is offered. Feeding your child using the division of responsibility can help alleviate some of that stress, and it also helps to lay the foundation for them to have a positive relationship with food.
You can download and print our “Raise Healthy Eaters” poster. Post it on your fridge to serve as a gentle reminder for the whole family to work together towards raising healthy eaters. |
Avoid using food as a reward or punishment | ||||||||||||||
Rewarding your child with treats can make them think those foods are exciting and other foods are boring. It can also teach them to want a treat each time they do something 'good'. This can get in the way of their natural ability to listen to their stomachs. Kids will eat the right amount of food their body needs. Try using non-food rewards to celebrate with your child:
Restricting food when disciplining your child can make them worry about not getting enough. Because of this, your child may try to eat whenever they can. Cutting out ‘treats’ as a punishment for bad behavior can cause your child to want that food more. Examples of punishing behavior with food:
When your child does something wrong, practice positive discipline and keep their meals the same. |
Keep mealtime free of pressure | ||||||||||||||
The more pressure you put on your child to eat, the more stress they will feel towards food. For example, a child forced to eat broccoli may not want broccoli again. This can cause them to not want certain healthy foods more and more as they get older. Remember it can take tasting a new food up to 15 times before a child will accept it, so it is important to try to be patient. You can:
Tips to help your child try new foods | ||||||||||||||
Be a positive role model | ||||||||||||||
You can be a positive role model by setting an example. Nourishing your body with nutritious foods and being physically active helps your child develop positive self-esteem and a preference for nutritious foods and active lifestyle. Children are more likely to eat colourful vegetables and fruit and other healthy foods and drinks when they see others eating and enjoying them. Children are always watching and listening. What you do and say can have a significant impact on what your child sees as “normal”. How to be a positive role model:
How to feed your littles
Canada’s Food Guide for children |
Children watch and learn, and when they see adults eating well, enjoying physical activity, and feeling good about themselves, they learn from and copy these positive behaviours.
Families are encouraged to follow Canada’s Food Guide and to make healthy foods part of the daily routine. Healthy meals and snacks will help children grow, develop and learn. Families can follow Canada’s Food Guide together by havingavariety of vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods throughout the day. *Very few foods contain vitamin D, (seeUnlock Food for a list of vitamin D rich foods)if you think your child is not getting enough vitamin D in their diet, they can take a supplement of 400 IU every day. For more information on Canada’s Food Guide:
Vegetarian and vegan diets for children |
Many people are including more protein from plants in their diet, which is great! Canada’s Food Guide recommends trying to choose protein foods that come from plants every day. Vegetarians' diets may include dairy, eggs, fish but not meat and poultry. A vegan diet is one that does not have products that come from an animal. This means no meat, dairy, fish, gelatin, or honey. Well planned vegetarian and vegan diets can be healthy at all stages of life. You must however, pay special attention to the following nutrients:
This resource “What you need to know to raise a healthy vegetarian” explains in detail how to ensure that you meet the nutrients needs of a child following a vegetarian or vegan diet. For personalized advice, please consult with a Registered Dietitian or with your family doctor. |
Make water your drink of choice |
Water, water, water. Plain water is best, for everyone and especially for young children. Water is not only important for hydration but it is also needed by the body to:
What are some tips for my child to stay hydrated all day?
All About Sugar |
Sugar is a carbohydrate that makes foods and drinks taste sweet. Sugar is found naturally in fruits, vegetables, fruit juice and dairy products. It is also added to many foods like desserts, sugar sweetened beverages, breakfast cereals and yogurts. Added sugar has many different names including: white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, beet sugar, cane sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, agave syrup, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, sucrose, dextrose, glucose, maltose, glucose-fructose, fruit juice concentrate and fruit juice puree. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that added sugars make up less than 5% and a maximum of 10% of children’s daily calories. For a child aged 4 to 11 years old, 5% is equal to ~6 teaspoons (23 grams) of sugar and 10% is equal to ~ 11 teaspoons (45 grams) of sugar. Added sugars can quickly add up when eating sugar sweetened foods and beverages such as sweets, desserts, juice, pop, baked goods and even many other processed foods that could appear to be healthy. Having too much sugar can cause health problems in children because it provides extra calories but few nutrients. This means sweet foods could fill up a child’s stomach and take the place of healthy foods. Overtime, a diet rich in added sugars can increase the risk of cavities as well as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and other preventable diseases. A healthy diet for children can include some sugar, but it is important to choose foods with little to no added sugars most of the time. Find out what you can do to limit the amount of sugar your child eats by reading Kids, Sugar, and Healthy Eating |
Healthy lunch and snack ideas |
Packing healthy and tasty lunches for your child to bring to school is an important task. They spend the majority of their time at school and a healthy lunch will give your child energy to play and learn. Lunch Box tips:
Healthy lunch ideas:
Healthy snacks ideas:
For recipes and more ideas on how to involve your kids in the kitchen:
Making the healthy choice the easy choice |
Planning even just a few meals and snacks a week will help reduce a lot of the stress. It can also help ensure that your family eats a more balanced and healthy diet. Look at your weekly schedule and find those crazy nights and plan and prepare for them ahead of time. These little tips can save you a lot of time! Meal prep shortcuts:
For more information on meal planning:
How to get your child cooking – what to teach at each age
Benefits of cooking as a family |
Did you know that parents have the greatest influence on children when it comes to learning about food and cooking? Hands-on cooking activities can help children develop healthy eating habits and to build self-confidence and skills in the kitchen. Cooking is a skill that will be with them forever. The more you practice, the easier it becomes! Some of the benefits of family cooking include:
How to involve kids in the kitchen |
You can involve your child at any age. Keep in mind their abilities as they are constantly developing. Assign a task that your child can complete independently. And make sure to allow extra time for them. Here are some secrets to success:
What to teach at each age |
Keep in mind that each child is different. The tasks for each age listed are there to guide you, and not to restrict your child's development. Confidence and practice will help your child build their cooking skills. They may master some skills faster than others. Use your judgement to decide which tasks are appropriate for your child.
Other information
Food allergies and Intolerances | ||||||
There are 10 “priority allergens”. That is to say 10 most common foods that can cause allergic reactions:
Food intolerance symptoms come on more slowly and may only happen when a lot of the food is eaten or if it is eaten often. They are not life threatening. Food allergies come on suddenly and a small amount of the food can trigger a large reaction. The reaction will happen every time the food is eaten. These can be life threatening. If you notice any allergy symptoms, speak to your doctor immediately. For more information on the difference between food intolerance or food allergy visit Unlockfood. Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is the most serious allergic reaction. Without emergency treatment, the person’s life is at risk. Anaphylactic reactions can start within minutes or hours of having contact with the allergen. Any food on the above list can cause this type of reaction. Anaphylaxis is an emergency and must be treated right away. If you have an auto-injector (EpiPen®, Allergect®), use this before heading to the hospital. Children with life-threatening allergies should have an auto-injector with them at all times. If you do not have an auto-injector, go to the hospital right away. For signs, symptoms and what to do, please see the child safety webpage. Can food allergies be outgrown? It is possible for children to outgrow their food allergies after a few years. The most common food allergies to outgrow are milk, soy and egg allergies. Allergies to peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish are more likely to last into adulthood. Managing Allergies Resources The following are additional resources to support you and your child in managing allergies:
Marketing to Kids | ||||||
Food marketing is all around us. Most foods advertised to children are highly processed, and are high in sodium, sugar, and saturated fats. This poses important health risks at a time when they are growing and developing lifelong dietary habits. Children are vulnerable to food marketing because their developmental age makes them susceptible, and they are highly targeted. They are easy-to-reach with child appealing ads placed everywhere they spend time during the day (schools, sports arenas, stores, etc.). For more information on Marketing to kids:
How to find information you can trust | ||||||
Nutrition information is everywhere and as a parent you want to do what is best for your kids, but it can be confusing to know who and what to believe. Here are some tips to help you as you look for credible information on healthy eating.
Want to speak with a Registered Dietitian?
Call Health Connect Ontarioand ask to speak with a Registered Dietitian. Available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm by calling 811 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007) or starting a chat.
Do you have more questions about parenting?
Speak with a Public Health Nurse. Call the Ottawa Public Health Info Centre at 613-PARENTS [613-727-3687] (TTY: 613-580-9656) or email Ottawa Public Health at ParentinginOttawa@ottawa.ca
Connect with a Public Health Nurse and other parents on the Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page
There are a variety of services to make it easier for your child to grow up healthy in Ottawa
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