About the Parenting in Ottawa website
Parenting in Ottawa is a resource for parents created by Ottawa Public Health and its community partners. It was designed to make parenting in Ottawa a little bit easier. Browse our website to find information written by local health experts.
Wondering what foods to avoid during pregnancy? That's in our Becoming a Parent and Pregnancy section.
Getting ready to breastfeed for the first time? You'll find useful tips in our Breastfeeding section.
Wondering when your child can start eating solid foods? Check out the Babies and Toddlers section.
Need to know what vaccines your child requires to attend school? That can be found in our Children section.
Need tips for talking to your youth about mental health? We're here to help. Visit the Youth section.
We are proud to serve all parents and parents-to-be in the City of Ottawa.
About the Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page
Are you looking for information on pregnancy and parenting children from birth to 18 years in Ottawa? Connect with other parents on the Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page .
The Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page is monitored by Ottawa Public Health. Check out Ottawa Public Health's main Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ottawahealth .
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